Category: .net

Puppeteer Sharp Part 1

Puppeteer Sharp is a .NET port of the official Node.JS Puppeteer API. Step 1: Create .net console or Wpf project Step 2: Add PuppeteerSharp package reference Step 3: Install Chromium Step 4: Launch...

.Net Core JWT Authentication Part 2

Step 1: Create .net core order api Step 2: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning nuget package Step 3: Add AddAuthetication with certificate access and AddApiVersioning in ConfigureServices Step 4: add UseAuthentication and UseAuthorization in Configure Step...

.Net Core JWT Authentication Part 1

Step 1: Create .net core auth project Step 2: Add Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer and mongodb package Step 3: Create Model UserDetails Step 4: Create Model Auth Step 5: Create IMongoDbData interface Step 6: Create MongoDbData class...