React Startup
List of steps to startup React app
1. Install Node.js
Once node js installed you can use npm package manager to install react and other libraries to create apps
2. Create new folder called reactjs or any folder
3. Open command prompt and navigate to folder reactjs
C:\Users\name>cd C:\Projects\reactjs\healthcare
4. To install react app enter
> npx create-react-app healthapp
5. To start react app , first navigate folder heathapp and enter npm start
This open IE any default browser with startup reactjs app
Verify files which created to run react app
Next install redux
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
Install MaterialUI to design and develop beautiful apps
Create folder structure to include actions, reducers, components, environment and middleware
Actions – To send data from application to middleware API
Reducers – To change application state/UI view by getting data from Actions(middleware API)
Components – To render UI with proper style and data , this has html tags and js code to render UI
Environment – To keep DEV and PROD environments configuration to build and run each environment differently